API Endpoints ============= The ``API`` is documented here. Feel free to use ``cURL`` and ``python`` to look at formatted json respone. You can also look at them in your browser, if it handles returned json. :: curl http://twipodcast.herokuapp.com | python -m json.tool Base ---- .. http:get:: / Retrieve author and project info **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: js { "author": "Sandip Bhagat", "author_url": "http://sandipbgt.github.io", "base_url": "https://twipodcast.herokuapp.com", "project_name": "twipodcast", "project_url": "https://github.com/sandipbgt/twipodcast", 'api': 'https://twipodcast.herokuapp.com/api' } API Base -------- .. http:get:: /api Retrieve list of api resources. **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: js { 'soundcloud': 'https://twipodcast.herokuapp.com/api/soundcloud', 'calls': 'https://twipodcast.herokuapp.com/api/calls', 'feedback': 'https://twipodcast.herokuapp.com/api/feedback' } Soundcloud ---------- .. http:get:: /api/soundcloud Retrieve soundcloud podcaster's username list **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: js { "life": [ "theordinarylife_podcast" ], "python": [ "talkpython" ], "startup": [ "indiastartupchat", "hearstartup", "trevorpage-1", "twistartups" ] } .. http:get:: /api/soundcloud/(string:username) Retrive soundcloud user's tracks list :param userame: soundcloud username :type username: string **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: js { "tracks": [ { "permalink_url": "http://soundcloud.com/talkpython/episode-33-openstack-cloud-computing-built-on-python", "stream_url": "https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/232430011/stream", "title": "Episode #33: OpenStack: Cloud computing built on Python" }, { "permalink_url": "http://soundcloud.com/talkpython/32-pypyjs-pypy-python-in-your-browser", "stream_url": "https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/231487315/stream", "title": "#32: PyPy.js - PyPy Python in Your Browser" }, ... ] } Calls ----- .. http:get:: /api/calls/say Returns TwiML (Twilio Markup Language) response. :query string text: text to be converted to speech :query string media_url: url of mp3 file **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: xml Hello world http://example.com/media_file.mp3 .. http:post:: /api/calls Create a new Twilio call :