Getting Started

This document will show you how to get up and running with twipodcast.


  • To run server, you must have python3 and pip3 installed.
  • To run frontend app, you must have nodejs and npm installed.


Clone the repository and install the libaries using pip:

$ git clone
$ cd twipodcast
$ pip install -r requirements.txt


  • Copy and paste the below commands at the end of your ~/.bashrc profile.

  • Type source ~/.bashrc in your terminal to refresh your bash profile.:

    # twipodcast environment variables
    # required: app environment either development or production
    # if set to development, TWIPODCAST_NGROK_URL should also be set
    export TWIPODCAST_ENVIRONMENT="development"
    # optional: soundcloud api base url
    # optional: soundcloud api client id
    # set this, if you want to listen podcast from soundcloud
    export TWIPODCAST_SOUNDCLOUD_CLIENT_ID="your soundcloud api client id"
    # optional: mailgun server api url
    # set this, if you want to setup feedback page
    export TWIPODCAST_MAILGUN_SERVER="your mailgun server api url"
    # optional: mailgun api key
    export TWIPODCAST_MAILGUN_API_KEY="your mailgun api key"
    # optional: email to field
    export TWIPODCAST_MAIL_TO="your name <your email>"
    # optional: email subject
    export TWIPODCAST_MAIL_SUBJECT="email subject"
    # optional: ngrok server url. visit for download
    # set this if your environment is set to development
    export TWIPODCAST_NGROK_URL="ngrok server url"


To run the server:

$ gunicorn -b localhost:5000 app:app

The server will be available at http://localhost:5000

To run the frotend app:

$ cd frontend-app
$ npm install
$ gulp watch

The frontend app will open in your browser automatically and will be available at http://localhost:3000