- 1 min read

My First JavaFX App To Find Story About Your Date Of Birth

Posted by Sandip Bhagat on September 21, 2015

After learning Java for about 2 months, I was interested in developing desktop app using Java Swing GUI framework but after working with Swing for some days, I found that its implementation differs according to various IDE. For example the way NetBeans IDE generate code for Swing app is different than that of Eclipse IDE. This led me to search for other alternatives and meanwhile I was introduced with JavaFX. The moment I discovered JavaFX technology, I was really very impressed. The JavaFX scene builder was awesome. It allowed me to create app without any burden. I don’t need to worry about various code generation issues as there is a single way to design your app. I learned the basics of JavaFX and thought to create a simple app for practice.

The name of my app is DOB Story. Its a simple app, which you can use to find the story behind your date of birth.

The project is available on GitHub at https://github.com/sandipbgt/dob-story-javafx

The screenshots are given below or you can see the demonstration of my app in the screencast below. Main screen


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